So much has happened since we last posted, Amanda came to visit, Quin went on a bike ride, I was in charge of a huge awesome dance, I went to Utah for Women's Conference at BYU. So what am I going to post about? I beat my high score on Spider Solitaire. I set my score a year ago and it has taken me this long to beat it. A perfect score is 96 moves but sometimes the computer lays the cards exactly where you want them, saving you a move. My high score was 95 moves and now it is 93 moves. So for those of you who wonder what I do all day, wonder no more.
5 years ago
Never heard of it, but congratulations anyway.
LOL! Oh boy, are you bored or what? Congrats on the beating though. One time when Jarom was in some foriegn country I played this block game (kind of like tetras) for HOURS on end and FINALLY won it. It was awesome!
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