For my birthday present Natalie agreed to go on a motorcycle ride over to Morro Bay and then up the coast on Highway 1 to Fort Hunter Ligget. The route we took was about 400 miles long.
The windshield and my visor took the brunt of it.
A Bakersfield Blog
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 9:11 PM
Very, very nice. Does your helmet say "Bakersfield LDS Brothers"?
Lovely bugs. Looks like a fun trip.
Oh, I forgot. The people standing with you in the third picture look like Pygmy people. I guess it's the way you are situated.
Such pretty views. I can't believe that NASTY gas price. Maybe we won't be making a visit to you this year.
Well we are going to fill your kids heads with thoughts of Dizzy Land and of Magic Mountain. And we will tell them of the tide pools where they can poke hermit crabs and starfish. Then you will come.
You also going to give us a gas $ grant? :)
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