The Thanksgiving table, we used paper plates and disposable utensils, clean up was a breeze, it was great!

A Bakersfield Blog
The Thanksgiving table, we used paper plates and disposable utensils, clean up was a breeze, it was great!
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 5:13 PM 2 comments
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 9:23 PM 3 comments
Quin wore this beautiful bright angora and wool blend sweater. We are still finding brightly colored fuzz everywhere! Quin wanted me to get the sweater I am wearing because he was sure his sister had one just like it!
The other winners (I don't know who they are)
Quin also won a giant bottle of beer, but he left it at the party.
Quin with his great sweater and trophy, he is going to proudly display it in his office
(it even says ugliest sweater, first place)
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 11:01 AM 3 comments
This book is a must read for all women in the U.S.! A friend of mine loaned it to me a few months ago and I have finally had some time to read it. It is a fictional account about two women in Afghanistan spanning the last thirty or so years, written by the author of The Kite Runner. While it is fictitious, I believe it gives an accurate account of what women endured there under the different government factions, including the Taliban. At one point I put my head in my hands and bawled. I cried for the character in the book, I cried for women who had to endure similar fates, I cried because I have been blessed to live in this country of freedom and choice, and I cried for those who are sacrificing right now to maintain our freedoms, both those heroes who are overseas and those who stay home waiting for them to return. I loved it and encourage you all to read it! Let me know what you think!
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 4:51 PM 3 comments
Hi everyone, long time no blog! I have been super busy with school and Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas, and working to pay for next quarter. I was looking at some friends blogs and it said that my last update was a month ago, it has almost been two months. So now that I have a little bit of time (very little, I already have an assignment for next quarter from an overzealous professor) I hope to catch up on everything that has been going on the past few months and even some flash backs that I have been meaning to post.
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 4:38 PM 1 comments