Here are some of the latest photos from Natalie's newest Paparazzi fans (which we just retrieved from the mail--sorry so small).
Yes, the paparazzi happens to be Mr. Red-light Photo Cop. She NEVER breaks the traffic laws (for real she never does, she is ALWAYS getting after me to use my signals, not change lanes in side street intersections, slow down, etc.). But the one time she does, her paparazzi was waiting to snap her photo. There is a nice little video that goes with it, but I am not technosavy enough to copy it from the website and embed it here. She is rather upset by the fact that it was her that got caught and not me. There have been various "its not fair, it should be you" mumbled this evening. The ironic thing is she was on her way to the Dr. to get a letter to get out of Jury Duty. Yeah how "random" is it that both of us get a Jury summons the exact same day for the exact same day. Me thinks they just picked our address and said, "hmm, how many registered voters live here?" Then the court didn't want to accept her note because it was electronically signed and not physically signed. So now she has to go back to the Dr. and have them sign another one, then take it over to the court house in person to get out of going. The reason she is getting off is she can't sit for very long because "Stitch" is causing her crooked pelvis to act up and create lots of back pain.
Needless to say she is not going to chance yellow lights again.
Oh.... bless her heart. But I have to admit the photos are great!
I wonder if grandma telling everyone she is alive caused them to notice your family. So it is grandma's fault you were called to jury duty.
Oh Your comments to that post had me cracking up all day.
Hang in there Natalie. Gotta love it!..
so... funny my word verifction word is drivesafe..LOL
Bummer! But, too funny of a story. See, that little squirt is already making you hairbrained:) It just happens, I'm tellin' ya.
LOLLLL!!! Oh so funny!
LOL!!!!!!! And what I'm laughing at is the little voice in my head hearing Quin lauging and giving you such a bad time, Natalie. LOL again!!!!!!! Sorry it happened, stupid police. LOL!!!!!!! Quin, be quiet. LOL!!!
I think the thing I love the best is the expression on Natalie's face. You can kinda see she may know she is pushing her chances..
It wasn't Red, it was "alunimun"!!
That is absolute Hilarious!!!
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