Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well, I've done it. I have gone back to school. And I didn't start out slowly. I have 4 classes, 17 credit hours, and working on my senior research paper. I have been crazy busy, which is why I haven't posted in a while (not like I post very often anyway). I am actually in class right now, I am trying to type really quietly so that my teacher cannot hear me (he is kinda deaf, so I don't have to try too hard).
Quin has been so good about helping around the house, pushing me out of bed for my seven am class, and giving me my space when I need to study (for some reason he doesn't mind when I tell him to go play computer games while I do my math homework).
3 of my classes are beginning freshman classes (of all the things that transferred, my intro classes didn't) so I have had some interesting moments in class, sometimes it is a flashback to high school.
I even got asked if I wanted to join a sorority, humm that might be interesting.
I am sure I will have some good adventures, but most of all, I just want that stupid piece of paper!


Deidra Smith said...

Good for you- and good luck!

Jessica said...

Go girl! I feel your pain having to sit through lectures, sometimes I write my grocery list during class. I call it time management. Go idea posting during class, my entries would go way way up!

Anonymous said...

Good for you. I laughed when you said you were blogging in class. Now that sounds like something I would do! Best of luck.