Back in August I got tagged by Quin's sister, Elena and I never did it, so here goes:
1. Who is your man? Quin C. Smith
2. How long have you been together: January 13th was our two year wedding anniversary and we dated for exactly one year before we got married. But sometimes I think we met in the pre-existence, ahhhhh.
3. How long did you date: as stated in the previous answer, we dated for a year, but about 5 months before we officially started dating, we went on 3 dates. I wasn't super interested and Quin didn't want to put in the effort. I think we just needed some time to figure things out. We ran into each other a few days before new years and decided to hang out on new years day and we have been together ever since. We distinguish between the two time periods as our first first date and our second first date etc.
4. How old is your man? Quin will be the big 3-0 at the end of March. He used to joke that he had to wait for his wife to grow up, little did he know he wasn't really joking.
5. Who eats more? Ummm... I think it is pretty tied. Which is pretty bad because he is soooo much bigger than me. Although, we will be sitting there eating a meal and I will look down and all my food is gone. He says that I ate it, but I am not so sure.
6. Who said 'I love you' first? He did, he said it in Portuguese because he was too nervous to tell me. When I asked him what that meant, he wouldn't say. A few days later he told me in English. I think I said something like, thank you. Later when I told him I loved him, he said "eww gross." I started crying and wanted to go home. He wouldn't let me. My sister called him a little while later to go jump start her car, he told her what happened and she laughed at him. Some day I am going to write a book of all the really romantic things Quin has said to me, that being the first.
7. Who is taller? He is, I am 5'8" and he is 6'.
8. Who sings better? Well he does, but that is because he doesn't have much competition.
9. Who is smarter? HMMM... that is a tough one. I am really not sure, this is probably a tie. I couldn't marry someone who wasn't my intellectual equal.
10. Who's temper is worse? Mine is by far, there is no comparison.
11. Who does the laundry? I do, that is because I don't let him.
12.Who does the dishes? we usually do them together, Quin washes the extra food off and I load them, even if he does load, I usually go through and move things around.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
14. Who pays the bills? I do. I have been paying the bills for Quin almost since we started dating. He used to wait until the bill came in pink envelopes "because you knew those were bills and that they were serious." Yeah, we don't do that any more.
15. Who is better at the computer? He is, why should I learn, that's one of the benefits of marrying a nerd.
16. Who mows the lawn? We live in an apartment complex so the lawn guys do, but we would love to have our own lawn so he could do it.
17. Who cooks dinner? We usually do it together, but he does the majority of it. He really likes to cook and is really, really good at it (except sometimes experiment night doesn't go so great).
18. Who drives when you are together? He does with me front seat driving right next to him.
19. Who pays when you go out? We take turns, it's all on the same credit card account but we joke about who is treating whom.
20. Who is more stubborn? I think I am more stubborn, but Quin has his moments.
21. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I am sure that if I ever were wrong I would admit it.
22. Who's parents do you see the most? I would say probably mine, but we don't see either sets enough, my parents are 800 miles away and his are 1000.
23. Who kissed who first? I kissed him first and it surprised us both.
24. Who asked who out first? Quin asked me out first and almost every time after that. I kept trying to think of ways to get out of the dates, but he was persistent. One day I woke up and realized I couldn't live without him.
25. Who proposed first? He did, but we don't like to talk about it, it will be included in the book of romantic things he has said to me.
26. Who is more sensitive? I almost don't even dare say for hurting his feelings. Quin is WAY more sensitive than I am. But I keep telling myself that having a sensitive man is a good thing.
27. Who has more friends? Quin, without a doubt. He is such a nice, good natured guy, everybody loves him. It is one of the things I love most about him. He is your friend from the moment you meet him.
28. Who has more siblings? He does. I have one and he has three.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? He calls me the President and CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of the Smith Family Household so I guess that means that I do, but he is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer).
So if anyone out there actually reads this I tag you.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 3:52 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
The perseverance award

Quin pretending to sink a putt
This was after I had actually sunk the putt. We played "best ball' where you hit it from the best spot from your team. Here we got a birdie, which was a hole in two thanks to yours truly.
Quin played with SpongeBob SquarePants golf balls (you can kind of see it flying by the trees). One of the things that made the day so great was that Quin would hang out of the cart while I would floor it and try to grab our balls as we cruised by. One time I hit a bump right as he was reaching for it. He went flying out of the cart. Fortunately his ninja training took over and he rolled and was not hurt. The best part was, we were around a ton of his co-workers, they were talking about it for weeks.
The day was great for golf, not too hot, not too cold. The sky was clear and blue (quite a rarity for Bakersfield, usually you cannot see the sky, no joke)!!! To top it all off, T.J. Cross gave us these great matching shirts with their logo on them.
Look at my mad skills, I believe that went like 5 yards!
We had a great day! We are now golf addicts, Quin even went out and bought us clubs. Who knows, maybe we will have to go pro.
This is a video of my first time teeing off in the tournament
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 8:52 PM 3 comments
Labels: Golf
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Thanksgiving 2007
I put my mom's wig on top of my hair and the color matched amazingly well. I walked around talking like a hick about how I was going to go to a bar-b-que with my big pouffy hair.
Yes, I am holding a baby and a beer (empty bottle) because the two go together don't they?
I just wanted to see if I could put cotton all over Quin's face. He really didn't want to do it, but I make Quin do a lot of things that he doesn't want to do, like floss, get man pretty, and satisfy my whims such as this one.
I like this one because it shows how pretty his eyes are
Quin's parents enjoying their burgers (they did not get the Big Judd)
Elena postponed celebrating Kate's birthday for a week so we could be there for the party (which was sooooo awesome because we are so sad that we always miss everything). When Elena's older kids asked why they were waiting a week to have Kate's birthday party, Elena told them it was so we could be there for her party. Their response: Uhhh, how come Kate gets to have Natalie and Quin at her birthday party??? HA, I love it! Nice to know we are liked. A super cute picture of Alyssa, Kate, and Halle
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 1:27 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Christmas 2007
The beautifully finished tree. The pumpkin ornament is really a Halloween decoration that my mom (Janet) sent down with our Christmas gifts. It is an unofficial tradition to get decor for holidays other than the holiday it really is (plus my mom just likes to get us decorations and when you see each other only 3 times a year that is when you give them).
Natalie's parents Sheri and Garth were able to make the trek to come visit us.
My mom has been very busy working on genealogy and gave us both a 4 generation picture. It was very awesome! (Nat got teary eyed) Thank you for the great gift mom.
Manders got me a new Yoda shirt!
The Madonna Inn. The Madonna Inn is a rather famous themed Inn. The decor is VERY floral! The banisters are all carved to look like grapes and flowers. If people are nice to us and we like you, we may just book you a night in the Pony Room, Traveler's Yacht, or Irish Hills. In the men's room the urinal is a giant rock waterfall that takes up half the wall and is activated when you step up to it. Classy!!!
The pier at Pismo Beach.
Posted by Natalie and Quin at 6:01 PM 4 comments